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NOTE: The content within this website, including biomedical intervention, supplements, laboratory testing, and general health principles are applicable to all others with special needs issues, including Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD/ADHD), Asperger’s, Pervasive Development Delay (PDD-NOS), Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), and other Neurodevelopmental Conditions.
Biomedical Autism Treatment Resource For Parents & Caregivers With Loved Ones On The Autism-Spectrum
Autism Affects Approximately 1 in 36 Children Today - Near Epidemic Levels - And The Numbers Are Growing! In The USA, Autism Is The Fastest Growing Developmental Disability!
There Is No Known Cure.
But Autism Is Treatable...And In Some Cases,
We'll Show You How...

Dr. Kurt Woeller, Autism Biomedical Treatment Physician
"Autism is Treatable! Many individuals with an autism-spectrum diagnosis have underlying medical issues that influence their autistic condition. Although behavior, speech and other similar therapies are often helpful for individuals on the autism-spectrum, they are not the only interventions available or worthwhile. There is much help and hope for improved health for autistic individuals through the use of biomedical (aka. integrative medicine) intervention." - Dr. Kurt Woeller
What is Autism?
Autism is classified as a neurodevelopmental disorder affecting speech and language development (e.g. delay or total lack of speech development), social engagement (e.g. failure to use eye contact, lack of peer relationship development) and behaviors (e.g. irritable, tantrums). Also, most individuals with Autism have a myriad of stereotypical and repetitive behaviors, interests and activities such as hand-flapping, finger flicking or twisting, inflexible adherence to rituals and routines and abnormal intensity of focus.

Is Your Loved One On The Autism Spectrum? Here Are The Signs:
Early Signs Of Autism In Babies And Toddlers Can Include The Following:
- Does not make eye contact (e.g. look at you when being spoken to)
- Does not smile when smiled at
- Does not respond to his or her name, or to the sound of a familiar voice
- Does not point or wave goodbye, or use other gestures to communicate
- Does not follow the gesture when you point things out
- Does not imitate your movements and facial expressions
- Does not play with other people or share interest and enjoyment
- Does not ask for help or make other basic requests
Warning Signs That Should Be Evaluated Immediately By a Medical Professional:
- By 6 months: No big smiles or other warm, joyful expressions
- By 9 months: No back-and-forth sharing of sounds, smiles, or other facial expressions
- By 12 months: Lack of response to name
- By 12 months: No babbling or “baby talk”
- By 12 months: No back-and-forth gestures, such as pointing, showing, reaching, or waving
- By 16 months: No spoken words
- By 24 months: No meaningful two-word phrases that don’t involve imitating or repeating
How Does Someone "Get" Autism?
There is not a singular cause for Autism. Instead, the reasons that Autism develops are multifactorial including genetics, brain injury from inflammation, environmental chemical exposure, biochemical and metabolic disorders, nutritional imbalances, chronic infections and immune dysfunction and even heavy metal toxicity. All of these, and likely others, are contributing to, and in some cases, causing the problem. We know absolutely that Autism rates cannot be directly correlated to only genetic causes.

Can Autism Be Treated?
Traditionally, Autism is treated with speech, behavioral and/or physical and occupational therapy. At times, if aberrant behaviors are severe, individuals are placed on psychiatric medications such as Risperdal. However, there are many other useful interventions that support the underlying biochemical imbalances often seen in Autism. These interventions fall under the category of "Biomedical Intervention" for Autism.
What Is Biomedical Intervention?
Biomedical intervention is a critical part of Autism intervention.
Biomedicine is a form of integrative medicine that seeks to understand the root cause of illness. However, in the classic definition of integrative medicine, which appreciates the interrelationship between the digestive, immune and other systems (which impact oxidative stress and detoxification problems), biomedical intervention for Autism integrates additional information such as hereditary factors, environmental toxicity, specific biochemical imbalances such as methylation defects and metabolic enzyme problems and neurochemistry issues. Biomedicine is well suited towards helping the Autism-Spectrum community because of the well-established co-morbid problems that exist, including digestive issues, food sensitivities, neurological imbalances and immune system problems.

Who Is Dr. Kurt Woeller?
Kurt N. Woeller, D.O., is a world-renowned autism biomedical specialist and integrative medicine physician, with over 30 years of clinical, "hands on" Autism treatment experience with children from all over the world.
In addition to his private practice, Dr. Woeller is also an author, lecturer and instructor, teaching other physicians and health care providers how to treat Autism using integrative medicine. Dr. Woeller also serves as a clinical advisor for Mosaic Diagnostic Laboratory which specializes in laboratory testing for individuals with Autism and other with complex medical conditions. Dr. Woeller lectures internationally and regularly throughout the United States regarding the benefits and successes of biomedical therapies for Autism. He is also the Clinical Education Director for Integrative Medicine Academy, instructing other medical professionals on functional and integrative medical approaches to treatment, including ASD.
Through Autism Recovery System, parents and caregivers will have access to the knowledge, tools and techniques Dr. Woeller has used effectively in his practice to treat and even recover children with Autism.
Dr. Woeller’s 4 Pillars to Treating Autism
Dr. Woeller has more than 2 decades of experience in treating Autism, and has worked with families all over the world looking for help with biomedical intervention. His 4 Pillar Approach has been implemented by thousands of families with great success and has improved the health of many individuals with Autism and even recovery for some. As explained in Dr. Woeller’s Special Report, his 4 pillars are:
• Dietary Intervention
• Biochemical Supplement Support
• Digestive System Assessment for Chronic Infections & Treatment
• Methylation Intervention

We Help Families All Over The World! is available in multiple languages (through the Member Forum) and helps families all over the world. You'll have unlimited access to Dr. Woeller (through the member forum) for questions and answers, as well as access to an abundance of additional information such as articles, protocols and educational videos. No matter where you are in the world, you can access Dr. Woeller for assistance regarding your loved one with Autism and get your questions answered regarding biomedical intervention.
How Does Autism Recovery System Work?
Joining Autism Recovery System provides immediate access to the tools, education and insight you need to effectively help your loved one on the Autism Spectrum. Treating Autism can be a daunting task. There is so much information about Autism intervention, much of it valid and useful, but at times conflicting, and often with misinformation, making it challenging to know what really helps. There are SO many questions. How do you know what to do first? How do you know you are administering treatments correctly? What to do if there is a problem? Autism Recovery System removes that doubt, by first giving you step-by-step guidance on how and when to administer various interventions and what to do if you are not seeing the proper results. You get access to current and effective clinical Autism treatment protocols, educational videos, articles and lectures, troubleshooting help and downloadable health documents. Plus, you also have access to Dr. Kurt Woeller, an Autism treatment physician, with over 25 years of clinical experience, virtually “on call” for you via the Private Parent Forum (available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week). You’ll also find other parents on the forum who are going through or have gone through the same things you are - a great support network.
With Autism Recovery System, you are never alone in your efforts. Ask Dr. Woeller any questions you have through the Private Forum. You can post questions to him regarding your loved one, seek assistance with testing suggestions, supplement support or clarification on any of the concepts and protocols you may be using. Basically, you have your own Autism Specialist Physician "on call!"

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Benefits of Autism Recovery System vs. In-Office
Doctor Visits
Though it is always important to have a personal doctor who manages your family's care, those physicians may not be experienced in Autism intervention. Also, you may face challenges in finding a qualified Autism Specialist in your area. Therefore, having access to cutting-edge information is imperative for your own education and to more fully help you take control of your child's road to recovery.
Here's What You Get With Your
Autism Recovery System Membership:
- DR. WOELLER "ON CALL." Day or night, 24/7 access to ask Dr. Woeller questions on his private forum. You'll never feel "alone."
- EDUCATION. You'll learn the "how" and "why" of biomedical Autism intervention and why it is one of the best ways to help your loved one with Autism.
- TOOLS & RESOURCES. You will have access to "Professional-Grade" supplements, lab testing, support information and more.
Included With Your Membership - Autism Biomed Essentials Course!

Autism Biomed Essentials is a comprehensive, 6-module course that is geared toward parents who are new to the concept of biomedical intervention for autism, or for those looking to further understand the “how and why” of the biomedical intervention process, including diet, supplements, bacteria and yeast imbalances and methylation problems…plus a lot more.
Each module includes a video lesson from Dr. Woeller, as well as downloadable slides, slide with notes and other documents relating to that modules lesson materials. You can review the course materials any time you like, as often as you like, from any computer, laptop, tablet or phone with internet access.
This Autism Biomed Essentials course also includes information regarding getting started on laboratory testing and interpretation, troubleshooting behaviors and correlating information about an individual’s condition to issues that may be occurring medically.
You can also ask Dr. Woeller any questions you have about the course on the Private Forum.
See The Success Others Have Had Using Dr. Woeller's Proven Tools & Techniques...
"I LOVE IT!!! What a great concept. This is fabulous. There are so many people just HERE in AZ that are clueless about Biomed and want to get started but don't know how, don't have money, insurance doesn't cover, etc. This is a very happy medium, I think, for people to get access to testing and then help deciphering what it means, plus a network of experienced parents and Dr. Woeller in the Private Forum."
"I'm very grateful to Dr Kurt Woeller. My son is really starting to blossom and mumble more syllables. Even at the age of 15 there is still so much hope for my son. Dr. Woeller was the missing puzzle piece in my son's healing. Thanks Dr. Woeller for all your help and guidance. I am truly grateful. You have taken a lot of stress off my shoulders. Now, I don't have to guess anymore. God bless!"
Autism has left a large wound in my spirit. As my son heals so does the wound, but every once in awhile I break down with heavy tears when I cannot control the emotional scars that are still there. It is at times like this that I turn to Autism Recovery System. I love that every time I come away from the site I am empowered by the information found there. I build my resolve, not to surrender to Autism and fight my way to recovery for my son and my family. I only wish I had this resource in the beginning. I am just thankful to have it now!"

Join a Community of People Learning to Treat Their Loved Ones With Autism!
Learning and incorporating new interventions can be difficult. When you are unsure what you are doing, you can start to second guess or even doubt your abilities to move forward. With Autism Recovery System’s Private Parent Forum, you can interact with Dr. Woeller, as well as other parents and caregivers all over the world who are experiencing the same issues you are. It always helps to communicate with others that can relate to what you are dealing with!
3 Reasons Why You Should Be Using Autism Recovery System...
Children all over the world have improved with regards to their Autism condition and some have completely recovered using biomedical intervention therapies.
For about the cost of just one family meal out, you will have a full month's access to the knowledge, practices and protocols you need for your child. Plus, you can cancel your monthly membership anytime.
Starting a new program can feel intimidating! With our Private Forum and Live Q&A Sessions with Dr. Woeller you will never be far from the answers to your questions regarding what you are doing to help your child.
Join Now And Get This FREE e-Book!

As a Special Bonus, you will receive a Free copy of Dr. Kurt Woeller's Methyl B-12 for Autism ebook. Once you join you will have instant access to all the features and benefits of this site, including this free ebook available for immediate download!
Methyl B-12 For Autism is a complete, step-by-step handbook on implementing the highly acclaimed Methyl B-12 therapy. Methyl b-12 has been called the "wonder drug" for its remarkable affects on children with Autism, including improved socialization skill, improved communication kills, improved focus and eye contact, and improved vocabulary.
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First, you can cancel at any time, so you are not “locked in” to any long term commitment. Secondly, we offer a 3 day money back guarantee. If, for whatever reason, you don’t feel this membership is right for you, just let us know within 3 days of joining and we will refund every penny. You can rest easy with our “cancel whenever you want” policy, plus our “no-risk”, money back guarantee!